Richmond Jets Dispute Resolution Process
Please also refer to RJMHA Dispute Resolution Process Chart and Team Dispute Resolution Process Chart.
Being part of a team, disputes will arise. When these conflicts do arise, it is important to follow the process below and ensure there is respectful and open communication.
Every effort should be made to resolve the conflict at the team level.
24 Hour Rule:
The 24-hour rule allows all parties to let the dust settle and gain perspective on the situation. Parents/guardians are not allowed to discuss any negative game or practice situations with the coaching or management staff prior to a 24 hour period. If the incident involves abuse or any party is in danger, the proper authorities must be contacted.
See Harassment and Bullying policy
Reporting The Conflict
After 24 hours, the parent/guardian must bring the dispute to the attention of the Team Manager. The complaint should outline the facts of the situation and not the emotions as well as parties involved and what outcome the complainant would like to see. The complaint should be in writing in order to have a documented chain of events as well as the time when the complaint is brought forward. The team manager will acknowledge written complaints within 48 hours of receipt.
Resolving The Conflict
The team manager will:
- Speak to affected parties to ensure they feel heard, and the lines of communication are open.
- Understand the facts in the situation.
- Bring the parties together to present and clarify the facts of the situation.
- Come to an agreed-upon resolution.
- Follow up in writing with affected parties on the resolution of the complaint and ask those parties to acknowledge.
The team manager will have the support of their Division Manager and Board Ambassador in resolving conflict.
Escalation Process:
If the team manager and Division Manager feel that the issue is serious enough to be presented to the board, they will discuss it with the Board Ambassador, who will present it to the board of directors in writing. The board will be presented with all written correspondence, including the original complaint and the recommended resolution.
The board will not acknowledge or entertain anonymous complaints.

Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association
As one of the largest minor hockey associations in British Columbia, the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association offers an integrated (boys and girls) minor hockey program from Initiation to Juvenile. Featuring both recreational ("C") and competitive ("A") streams, our programs operate out of the three different facilities in the City of Richmond: Richmond Ice Centre (RIC), Minoru Arenas (Stadium and Silver Rinks), Richmond Oval (North and South rinks).
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.