Community Events
The Richmond Jets love being an active part of our community. If you would like to help out or have an idea for a future event, contact the Community Events team.
Please join us for these exciting events.
Steveston Salmon Festival Parade

Date: July 1, 2024
Where: Steveston, BC
The people of Steveston have come together every year since 1945 to celebrate Canada’s birthday and the rich heritage of our community. The festival is famous for its salmon barbecue where over 1,200 pounds of wild salmon filets are grilled over open fire pits. A Canada Day parade through historic Steveston Village kicks off the festival.
With over 80,000 people expected, the festival features multiple stages with over 50 performances, an expansive community parade, a big fireworks finale, and many great activity zones to keep you entertained!
The Richmond Jets entered a float with up to 50 people into the parade.
Richmond Jets Hack N' Slash Golf Tournament

Date: TBC
Where: Mylora Executive Golf Course, Richmond BC
- Time: Registration - 12:00 noon | Tee-off Time - 1:00 pm (Shotgun Start)
- Cost: $100.00 (includes green fees, dinner, prizes, and lots of laughs and fun)
- Open to: Adults and U15 players and older
- Prizes/Awards for Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and low Team Score
- Sign up your foursome (we can also create foursomes with singles and/or pairs of golfers)
- Registration is on a "first come - first served" basis, so RSVP ASAP to confirm your spot.
- Hole sponsorships are available for $ 200.00 each.
For more information about playing in the tournament or becoming a tournament sponsor, please contact:
Ken Hamaguchi: (604) 723-7245 or email me at
Richmond Jets Opening Day

Date: Sept 2024
Where: Richmond Ice Centre, Richmond BC
- Games and Prizes
- Our famous Dunk Tank!
- DJ/Music
- Food and snacks
- Equipment Swap
- Food Bank Donations
Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association
As one of the largest minor hockey associations in British Columbia, the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association offers an integrated (boys and girls) minor hockey program from Initiation to Juvenile. Featuring both recreational ("C") and competitive ("A") streams, our programs operate out of the three different facilities in the City of Richmond: Richmond Ice Centre (RIC), Minoru Arenas (Stadium and Silver Rinks), Richmond Oval (North and South rinks).
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.